Fiscal: Plaza de Urquinaona 11, 08010, Barcelona, Spain
VAT Number/CIF ES-B64999055* *Temporary off-VIES
* Due to the temporary 2020-2021 COVID emergency the company is still temporarily closed. Operations will be back in full in 2025. Information and project booking, contact: Mr. Stefano Vuga, office@purpleprint.eu
Legal statements
This site, which can be accessed via the https://www.purpleprint.eu and .com URLs, (otherwise known as the ‘Site’) is published by PURPLEPRINT Creative S.L. , company registered under the C.I.F. / VAT Number B-64999055, located at : Plaza de Urquinaona 11, 08010, Barcelona, Spain – email : office@purpleprint.eu
2.1 Ownership
PURPLEPRINT Creative is the owner of the domain name htt://www.purpleprint.eu.
The site in its entirety, as well as its components (in particular, text, structure, animated items, graphic representations, etc. ) are creative works protected by Spanish Intellectual Property (IP) code and International Copyrights Acts. Prototypes, models and graphic elements are subject of additional Commercial Property rights by PURPLEPRINT Creative clients or respective owners; and showed by written agreement between all the IP owning parts. Until the current European AI Act and the resulting national EU-countries laws effectively enforce a governance on copyright and IP protection any unauthorised use of this website contents for AI data-training purposes is strictly prohibited.
2.2 Limitations
Use of all or parts of the site, in particular by means of downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or circulation for purposes other then personal and private use with a non-commercial aim by the internet user, is strictly prohibited.
III. Data of personal nature
3.1 Type of data of personal nature
The term ‘data of personal nature’ shall apply to all personal information (in particular, the user surname, first name, date of birth, e-mail and postal addresses, city, state/department) witch internet users may disclose to PURPLEPRINT Creative via the section “CONTACT” in the site. The said data, irrespective of the type, shall directly or indirectly make it possible to PURPLEPRINT Creative to identify and better know internet users.
3.2 Consent
No datum of a personal nature shall be collected without the consent of the internet user concerned. The optional or compulsory nature of the items to be disclosed to PURPLEPRINT Creative for this purpose shall be stated beforehand to internet users. Said internet user shall not be required under any circumstances to disclose to PURPLEPRINT Creative any data of personal nature.
3.3 Identity of the party responsible for processing data of a personal nature
PURPLEPRINT Creative company is responsible for collecting and processing data of a personal nature from the Site.
3.4 Recipent(s) of data of a personal nature
The PURPLEPRINT Creative company is the sole recipient of data of a personal nature collected from the Site. Data of a personal nature shall not be disclosed to third parties.
IV. Liability
PURPLEPRINT Creative shall not be held liable for any and all direct and indirect damage irrespective of the cause, origin and consequences caused a a result of access by the Site or impossibility to access the said Site, along with use of the Site and/or credit given to any information arising directly or indirectly therfrom.
PURPLEPRINT Creative informs internet users viewing the Site that these legal statement may be amended at any time. Such amendments shall be published by means of putting them on line and shall be deemed accepted without reserve by any and all internet users accessing the Site after the said amendments have been put on line.
The internet user agrees that entering the Site accepts the Spanish law. This legal statements shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the Spanish laws.
Last update February 1st 2021